Steps to Take After a Workplace Injury

If you have been injured on the job, it is natural to feel unsure of what to do next. The steps you take after a workplace injury, though, are extremely important. You may be eligible for workers’ compensation but it is critical that you protect your rights so you receive the maximum benefits available. Below, our Lehighton workers’ compensation lawyer outlines the most important things to do after being hurt while on the job.
Report the Accident and Your Injuries to Your Employer
In Pennsylvania, you have 120 days to notify your employer of the workplace accident and any injuries you sustained as a result. Still, you should inform your employer of any workplace injury as soon as possible.
If you did not initially realize that you suffered a workplace illness or injury, you have 120 days from the time you discovered the injury or illness. For example, if you worked around asbestos, you may develop mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a rare but very aggressive type of cancer. However, you may not start to experience symptoms for decades.
Seek Medical Treatment
It is important that you seek medical treatment for your injuries as soon as possible. Not only will this protect your health and well-being, but seeing a doctor will also document the extent and severity of your injuries, which can help you claim full benefits. For the first 90 days after your injury you must see a doctor of your employer’s choosing, if they have a list of providers posted in the workplace. If you do not see one of these doctors, your employer and their insurance company can refuse to pay medical benefits for the first 90 days of your injury.
Confirm Your Employer Filed a First Report of Occupational Injury Form
Your employer should complete and file a First Report of Occupational Injury form with their insurance company. They should also submit a copy to the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. The insurance company has 21 days to accept or deny your claim. If your claim is accepted, the insurer will provide benefits for medical expenses and your lost wages. To obtain benefits for the first seven days of lost wages, you must be unable to work and seek medical treatment for a minimum of 14 days.
Notice of Compensation Payable or a Claim Petition
If your employer accepts your claim, you will receive a Notice of Compensation Payable. You may also start to receive temporary workers’ compensation benefits for up to 90 days. If your employer denies your claim, they will issue a Notice of Compensation Denial. If this happens, you will need to attend a hearing in front of a judge to determine the benefits you should receive.
Our Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Lehighton Can Help with Your Case
Suffering a workplace injury is stressful, and it is even more frustrating when your employer denies or delays the benefits you need. At The Law Office of Kim M. Gillen, P.C., our Lehighton workers’ compensation lawyer can advise on the steps to take to obtain the full benefits you need and give you the best chance of a favorable outcome. Call us today at 484-613-0011 or contact us online to schedule a consultation and to get more information.